Dry itchy skin loves our Indulge Pure Originals Body Butter Bar moisturizers. Yes, moisturizer comes in a bar form that has been perfectly created to fit the palm of your hand for easy gliding. Once the body butter starts to soften in the warm shower water, it glides along your skin to soften, hydrate and penetrate the top layers of your dry skin. It’s the perfect moisturizer that has zero waste. Once you are finished applying the moisturizer, place it aside to cool and reharden. Boom, ready for the next use.

Indulge Pure Originals Coconut Body Butter Bar Mosturizer
Women and men both have said they liked our body butter bars because they are natural enough you could eat them. Although I do not recommend it, you could. We have had enough cat and dog stories to attest they still lived after licking the body butter bars. The moisturizing elements in our Indulge Pure Originals body butter bar are fair traded which help others in their countries to live a better life.
I’m proud of our products. I’m proud of the natural ingredients and how they are formulated for the best results for people with dry skin. If you have experienced dry itchy skin with no relief in sight then this is the product for you. One of my favorite bars is the coconut body butter moisturizing bar that is almost 100% natural. We added a little coconut to give the aroma effect that gives us a calm and soothing experience in the shower.
We have four different fragrances that appeal to different discriminating scents. The original gold bar is the most mositurizing bar in the market due to its natural cocoa butter properties. Smells like the beach with the tanning lotions. the cool part about the gold bar is that it will melt onto the skin then harden immediately once the cooler air hits it. NO WASTE of your time, money or product. For only $10 you get super hydrated skin. The other 3 scents are all natural. Coconut was designed to be lighter with a pinch of warmth, Citrus for the active and brighter scent, and lastly the unfragranced is the all natural totally unscented for super sensitive skin which are $12.
Available on line here free shipping. Save money and save your skin. See more information on the link. If you have other questions contact us at 717.846.4424 at Indulge Salon on South George Street. Easy pick up and delivery.