No Clothes? No problem.
Vacationing, trips, and get-togethers is what Summer is all about. Last weekend, in prep for Girls Weekend 2017, I packed my beach bag of essentials: Indulge Pure Originals Body Butter Bar – Cocoa Butter, Cocoa Butter Moisturizing Cream, make-up, bathing suit, along with clothes and all of my hair goodies that I always pack.
This year, my sisters and I decided we needed to start an annual “Girls Weekend” – my mother, two sisters, my daughter, and my niece. My daughter flew in the night before in order for us to spend some time together before we left. The plan was to leave Friday morning to pick my mother up on the way to New Jersey. Everyone was to meet at my sister, Lydia’s house. I’ve always wanted to have an annual girls weekend together with all of the women in our family to honor how strong we are, share time together and make beautiful, new memories. This weekend was much needed as the last time we were all together was for my daughter’s wedding in Georgia.
Early Friday morning, we excitedly packed the car which basically turned into a game of Tetris, figuring out what goes where and how to get the trunk closed. Next thing you know, we’re on our way. The 2 1/2-hour drive turned into a smooth 3 hour-ish trip due to a highway pit stop and my routine visit to McDonalds for my Diet Coke. It was raining a bit, but we carried on!
Finally, we arrived!
We settled in around the kitchen table for a gorgeous breakfast and I came to the realization that…

I forgot my clothes.
You know, the deer in headlights look.
My sisters ask, “what is wrong?” I said, “I left my garment bag at the house on the bed!”
For me, this is a bit problematic since I needed my clothes. We dismissed the idea of me borrowing clothes as I was not going to be able to wear the girls’ clothing.
The girls said, “we will take you shopping!” I usually don’t enjoy shopping. My daughter knows when I’ve had my fill of it, but, of course, I said, “yes! Let’s go!” Once I realized I forgot my clothing, my mind skipped to, did I bring my Body Butter Bar?! I quickly went out to the car and discovered that I put my Body Butter Bar, make up, and hair products all in one bag – which made it into the car (thank goodness!).
I let the girls know that even though I forgot the clothes, at least my skin would be hydrated and my hair would look amazing.
Everyone had a good laugh at that comment! I told them they’d all be thanking me for not forgetting my Body Butter Bar!
All of the girls packed up and we trolleyed downtown to some of the beach shops located in this adorable little town. I found some excellent pieces to at least get me through the weekend – including a flattering swimsuit that I desperately needed!
Next day, we went to the beach at Spring Lake. What was supposed to be a rainy three days turned out to have many hours of gorgeous sunlight, a light breeze, and best of all – family time.
After a couple of hours, we came back to the house to enjoy a little “Happy Hour” – a cheese plate with Brie, Havarti, and a sampling of crackers and grapes. We lounged around the pool – and in the pool. Thanks to my daughter, she captured a hilarious picture of me falling back into the donut floaty in the pool. Gee, thanks, Alex!

The beach day combined with chlorine from the pool made my skin a little dry and itchy so I decided to shower up. I knew my Body Butter Bar would help my dry skin immediately. The Indulge Pure Originals Body Butter Bar – Cocoa Butter is the best moisturizing lotion bar that doesn’t leave a film on your body, it actually penetrates the skin to deeply hydrate and replenish skin. Plus, it acts to repair skin.
There are a couple of different “scents” including Cocoa Butter, Citrus, Coconut, or the Unscented Body Butter Bar.

Cocoa Butter



The Cocoa Butter scent reminds me of the beach with its chocolatey fragrance that makes me feel warm and cozy. I just love it! I can layer over top with my Indulge Pure Originals Cocoa Butter Moisturizing Cream if I wanted, but it’s not totally necessary since I use my Body Butter Bar. The bar is actually designed to be used in the shower, so, just after cleansing, I warm the bar by holding it under the warm shower water and gliding it over my skin. The warmth from the heat of the shower allows the cocoa butter to create a protective barrier over your skin. I usually massage the cocoa butter into my skin after application. When I get out of the shower, I just pat my body dry with a fluffy towel and voila! I’m done!
The Body Butter Bars are the best travel products because they can fly in your carry-on bag (no liquid lotion!), they’re compact, and it literally replaces your need for multiple lotions. Thank goodness I didn’t forget this amazing beach bag essential!
Soon after, the girls took showers and tried the Body Butter Bar as well. Just like I said they would, the “thank yous” started rolling in! My niece especially liked it after she shaved her legs. I overheard her say, “Mom, feel my legs!” That comment is the most frequently mentioned comment from women. I had a proud moment.
The entire weekend was spent with the girls that I love, my mother, my sisters, my daughter and my niece. We shared memories, played games together, and my mother even learned to use Snapchat! Yes, at 70 she is trying to stay current! I am so looking forward to next year’s Girls Weekend and all the memories that will bring!