Black skin is beautiful.
From golden caramel to smoky obsidian, high-yellow to pecan-tan (as my Mother-in-Love likes to call it), the depth of melanin and tones in women of color is, simply-put, gorgeous.
Sunning Black Skin
In order to keep that beautiful depth of color, it’s important to properly care for and hydrate your skin. We all know the saying “black don’t crack” which basically means that women of color rarely look like they ever age! Black skin has a higher melanin content which tends to block ultraviolet rays more which means a decrease in the breakdown of elastin in the skin. The breakdown of elastin in the skin is what causes wrinkles. That’s why, many women of color you see usually have smooth, taught skin.
This doesn’t mean that women of color shouldn’t be concerned about the damaging effects of sun-damage, but it does naturally mean that they aren’t as prone to damage as some lighter pigment women. Does this mean that black women should forego wearing sunscreen?
Absolutely not.
Black women should still be applying higher SPF
sunscreen when they’re outdoors as ultraviolet rays don’t care what color you are – they’re still penetrating the skin.

Exfoliation Is Key
Caring for skin with darker pigments with exfoliation is equally as important as protecting skin by layering SPFs. Skin is prone to rough skin and build-up of cells if not properly removed from the skin. For sensitive skin, using a gentle, natural exfoliant such as the Oatmeal Soap will help remove dead skin cells gently while providing delicate moisture. The Loofah Soap is perfect for super gentle exfoliation (great for daily use) and hydration. Treat sensitive skin kindly by beginning your exfoliation routine minimally and increasing as you feel comfortable. Begin by exfoliating one to two times per week.
Normal, oily, dry, and combination skin should be exfoliated two to three times per week using anything from a gentle exfoliant such as the Oatmeal Soap or the Lavender Goat’s Milk Soap to something a little more abrasive such as the Mint Pumice Scrub Soap with perfectly ground pumice great for those problematic rough spots.

Mindful Moisture
Women of color should invest in a quality moisturizer that brings true nourishment to the skin. Ingredients such as organic cocoa butter, shea butter, and vitamin e oil provide quality skin hydration without the use of chemicals or additives.
After cleansing in the shower with a moisturizing soap, allow your skin to accept the deep hydration of a Body Butter Bar™. Available in four options: Cocoa Butter, Citrus, Coconut, and Unscented. These solid lotion shower bars are designed for use in the shower when skin is warm and pores are open. Once the bar softens when held under warm, running water, simply apply to skin and massage with hands. Pat dry with a towel and let the skin air dry the remaining time. See this helpful video for a tutorial.
Cocoa butter has many skin benefits including important skin-loving polyphenols (antioxidants), promotes anti-aging with improved skin elasticity and softness. Cocoa butter fights cell mutations and skin sensitivities such as rashes caused by eczema and psoriasis. This is why it’s such an important part of the Body Butter Bar formulation.
These solid lotion bars are perfect for creating lasting hydration for women of color, repelling and minimizing ashy skin, and providing silky, smooth, beautiful skin.
Combine these with a great SPF, and an excellent exfoliant, deeply pigmented skin will flourish!
Stay Moisturized, friends!