What do you think of when you think of “skincare”?
My first thought is, obviously, Indulge Pure Originals – then, my mind wanders off to products I use to cleanse my face such as Rhonda Allison’s Foaming Peptide Cleanser, or toners, masks, peels, facial hydrating treatments, etc. I never once thought that skincare could start from within with supplements.
Late in 2017 when I spoke with Donna Gonsalves, Owner and Co-Founder of Collagen BLU, she enlightened me to the amazing science and benefits that collagen could have for me as well as customers of Indulge Pure Originals. For some reason, I tend to weigh heavily on the skeptic-side of new products – does this really work? I haven’t heard of this before. Why haven’t I heard of this – it can’t be that amazing, right?
I was proven wrong.
As you know, we test every.single.product. before we recommend it to you, and I began taking Collagen BLU back in October 2017. Check out this video I shot back in November 2017 giving a sneak peek at Collagen BLU and my first thoughts on using the product. I’m now one year and three months into using BLU daily, and it truly has had so much benefit on my skin as well as my hair, nails, and…workouts!
You see – back in October 2017, my Lupus was flared pretty bad from a lot of stress (more on how stress affects your skin in a later post), and I was having inflamed and raised spots on my skin – mostly my face, as you can see from my video. About five days into taking BLU, I noticed that I felt a sense of ease, calmer – you might say. The sixty to ninety day mark, however, was really the turning point for me. I noticed I had more energy (with Lupus, I suffer from extreme fatigue to the point where I almost fell asleep driving), my output in my workouts increased, my hair was growing and my nails were growing like crazy!
All from one little stick pack per day.

When I first started Collagen BLU, I knew very little about what collagen was and what it could do for my body. I heard about people taking collagen – especially for hair and nails, but I didn’t realize it could do so much more.
Collagen is the main protein in your body – it literally makes up 30% of your body’s total protein make up. Once you hit your mid 20s, your natural collagen begins to decrease 1% each year thereafter. If that figure isn’t enough to make you jump on the bandwagon, I don’t know what is! Here’s the kicker: 75-85% of the protein in your skin is collagen!
Ever wonder why some people wrinkle faster than others? A lot of it has to do with the amount of collagen remaining in their skin. This is why as we age, skin may become saggy, bones may be brittle, and joints may ache.
Hair – A daily intake of 6 grams of Collagen BLU has been shown to increase hair growth, hair thickness and improve overall hair texture.
Skin – It is clinically proven that those who take 5-10 grams of collagen daily have noticed a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and an increase in skin suppleness.
Nails – Collagen BLU has improved the condition and health of nails by strengthening brittle, splitting, flaking and weak nails.
Not only did Collagen BLU help me with all of the above, but it also helped my strength and endurance during workouts. I improved all of my strength movements, ran faster, and overall became a “fitter human”.
If you’d like to get started with improving the health, elasticity, and texture of your skin along with a slew of other benefits, we recommend beginning with a 30-day supply to incorporate into your daily routine.

Once you’ve settled into your routine, and literally can’t live without it (like me – guilty!), you’ll want to switch over to one of our Autoship programs like our 30-Day Autoship or 90-Day Supply Autoship option. Both of these options have free shipping – yay!
This collagen has made an impact on so many lives – we’re proud to carry it! For a limited time, if you purchase any Collagen BLU option, I’ll include a sample of our Cocoa Butter Body Butter Bar to keep you hydrated from out to in. (This won’t last long, though! Deadline: January 31, 2019!)
If you have any questions about collagen and how it may help you, please email me at [email protected].
To learn more about Collagen BLU, click here.
Stay Moisturized, Friends!